This year we only carved 3 pumpkins, usually we do more… but all in all we had fun… My husband is creative with his (as usual!) and did his all free hand, just looking at the picture was good enough! I carved a homegrown pumpkin right out of my garden, this year it was a yellow pumpkin (I swear that the tag at Flower world said that it was a pumpkin!) that never turned green much less orange. It was really easy to carve and smelled like a cucumber to boot! Who knows maybe next year I will actually grow an orange pumpkin!
Jillian…. helping wash the dishes while we carve! So cute!!!
Jillian’s Pumpkin, carved by Auntie H!
Leo’s Pumpkin… Jack Skellington!
My pumpkin……. simple Jack o’latern!
So now we wait for Halloween and hopefully a few trick-or-treaters……
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