The Newman Clan went off to the Pumpkin Patch this past weekend at the persistant nagging of mommy! I have some scrapping ideas that require some pumpkin type pictures! It was a beautiful day to be out and about. We went up to Stocker Farms off of Highway 9 in Snohomish. There were lots of people and not too many pumpkins to choose from, but we were able to find the perfect little pumpkin for our darling little daughter. Who by the way was happy as a clam in the baby bjorn (love it!) looking out at all the different sites and sounds.... She was "pooped" by tthe time that we got back to the car, that she was asleep by the time that we hit the highway!
We then went onto Central Market in Mill Creek and proceced to get 3 large and perfect carving pumpkins for 12 bucks..... 4 bucks a pumpkin.....any size!! That is a nice deal if you like the big pumpkins like we do! Now we just have to cleam them all out and pick out designs to carve into them!